perm filename LEE.1[AM,DBL] blob sn#654853 filedate 1982-04-23 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Lee,
C00006 ENDMK

Pursuant to our meeting this morning, there are
several items I should officially let you know
about.  Most of these you are already familiar with,
I believe, and the rest won't matter to you, but here goes:

1. Potentially of greatest conflict is the project
we discussed over dinner with Randy.  How should we proceed?

2. The 3-day Tutorial-I I am givng in London.  ALready
arranged with TEK folk.

3.  A series of lectures I will give in Singapore, to their
ministry of defense, in December.  These deal with AI
and Lisp in general, although a portion of that will
necessarily deal with expert systems.  This invitation
was to me personally, from the Singapore folk, as a
Stanford professor.  Probably TEK should not get involved,
but so long as I don't lose money on the deal I don't
care or mind if you want to.  I will be getting
approximately $1500 plus expenses for a 4-day period.

4.  In June I am giving an invited talk at the G.E.
Company's Whitney Symposium.  The topic is research
I have done at Stanford over the past couple years.
This pays $1k plus expenses.  As before, as this is a
Stanford-type invitation, I suggest TEK not get

5.  The proposal Rick and I will probably submit to
ARPA.  You and others already know about this.

6.  The arrangement Penny and I have with ESL.
This, too, is arranged through you, Barry, Bob, etc.

7.  The ONR and other grants I get at Stanford, to
do research related to Eurisko and expert systems.
Of course TEK can't complain about this without
objecting to ALL the Stnaford contract research
that gets performed by our people.  It
is in a sense "free R&D" we can use later, but
the guidelines weren't clear this morning so I
bring it up just for completeness.

8.  The book Building Expert Systems, that Rick
mentioned.  This is an effort we did about 2 years
ago, prior to TEK, and most of the contributors are
non-TEK people anyway; Rick and I are editing it.
If TEK can match whatever offer is best from a
publisher, that's fine with me.  I recommend
not doing this, as some of the contributors might
object that they are being implicitly associated
with TEK even  hough they have no relation with it.

That's all for today.
Stay tuned for more as I think of them!
